
Showing posts from September, 2017
Pablo Picasso said that “every act of creation is, first of all, an act of destruction”. Consider this statement in light of constraints we place on ourselves in the workplace. What are some constraints that you need to destroy before you can engage in creative problem solving? Give an example of how a constraint you placed on yourself prevented you from solving a problem. Reflect on what you could have done differently and how you will prevent that constraint from limiting you in the future. Picasso stated that destruction precedes creation, that the old must cease before the new can replace.   Overseeing such an event can be a dramatic moment for many, with a gamut of emotions that may emerge during the process.    When applied in a business situation that requires “new or fresh” thinking, as the old saw goes, fear can be an enormous inhibitor to advocate and implement a good idea.   What if I’m wrong?   Did I miss something?   This is a natural reaction when dealing in hi
Our assignment this week was to review a video that discussed the value of keeping one’s mind in the present by doing nothing, or in other words, emptying the mind.   We were to attempt this for three consecutive days and reflect upon our findings. Interestingly, I found the practice much harder than I thought it should be.   One of the major stressors was that of time.   It seemed that my mind would wander to thoughts of how much time was left, or trying to organize my next steps after the exercise was finished.   This occurred quite frequently during the first session, but was less frequent the last two times.   I did find that clearing my mind was made easier by simply watching or observing my surroundings in greater detail.   By just looking at something in a deliberate manner, such as the lamp on the end table or some other innocuous object, I felt a little more “lost” in though.   Having achieved this state, it was only after the fact, or when I “woke up” that I did
Our assignment is to "Describe how your level of self-awareness has changed since you began your MSLD program with respect to the "Five Core Aspects of Self-Awareness"" To be perfectly honest, upon reflection of the "five core aspects of self-awareness" has made me realize how any reflections of these aspects as applied to my personal awareness was really done on a basic and simple level.  However, one item did pique my interest.   Emotional Intelligence was a term that I was exposed to from a previous class, Organizational Behavior 520.   In general terms, Goleman had built upon Mann's intelligence theory of leadership.  Mann stated that intelligence plays a key role in leadership attributes, and that Goleman's theory of emotional intelligence was a natural extension of this theory.  However, upon looking at both Mann's and Goleman's theory, little evidence was provided that first confirmed that Mann was correct, which would then ma